A fully immersive two day 1-2-1 experience with follow up sessions, that begins with exploring the source of stress and pressure through the principles of human experience and,more specifically, how to free yourself from those external pressures.
Through deeper insight, you will be able to uncover and transition your own thinking, finding a clarity that will generate personal resolutions to current problems and any that arise in the future.
The programme includes a pre-exploratorysession, two day immersion session with overnight stay at our 16th Century Barn and six x 60 minute fortnightly coaching sessions to support your continued transition when back inyour business or home environment.
A complete programme, similar in content to the two day immersion programme, but spread out to provide support for a longer period of time, allowing for greater reflection in between sessions.
This includes two x full day sessions or (four x half day sessions) and 4x follow up coaching sessions (up to 90 mins).
Want to start the coaching process and see how things go? You can pay session by session or pre-book in blocks of five sessions (up to 85 minutes).