121 Executive Retreat - Expanding Leadership Presence

Strong inner presence radiates, becoming a magnetically engaging air of confidence on the outside. One that speaks of truth and authenticity, coming from a deep sense of knowing, and a profound acceptance of who you are.
When you shift your attention away from everything you intellectually know and sit in the stillness of your experience, you can embrace the feeling of finally getting to know and understand you.
This 121 retreat focuses on the principles behind all human experience, and a deep understanding that has the power to transform the way you work, the way you lead and inspire others, your love of life and your connection to yourself.

Are you searching for something more?
Whilst promotions and achievements definitely give that 'feel-good' factor and are a welcome step into greater financial freedom, you are probably looking for more.

Is it often a deep desire for peace of mind, inner strength and for meaning that attracts people to their growth and development - hoping to find and master the next level of human experience.

And it does have to be experienced because the expansion of consciousness requires more than knowledge. It has to be embodied, to be felt so that we can walk the walk.

The next step in your personal and professional evolution needs to be more than interesting.
Just too busy to add anything else to your plate
The problem is, with so much going on at work and at home, the idea of undertaking another training 
doesn't always appeal.

More books, courses and information can create another layer of noise in an already overworked mind, and the last thing any of us need is more thinking about the kind of person we wish we were when we are working so hard to do the best we possible can.

But very often what we really need is the one thing we find it so hard to give ourselves; a little time and space. 
Space to reflect, to breathe and then expand and grow.

How much more could you achieve if every thought you had
was at peace with the past, happy in the present 
and excited about the future?
Retreat Dates


8 - 10th November
6 - 8th December

TBC - Coming Soon

Replacing confusion with clarity

Clarity is our natural state of being when we are free of confusion, inner conflict or old conditioned patterns that probably lost their usefulness some time ago.

When you take that big leap out of the familiar, a space opens up. A space for creativity, innovation, newness and profound change.

Are you ready to:

  • Love and enjoy your work and your life, To discover how to achieve even more, from a place of clarity and contentment, without stress, pressure, worry or fear.
  • ​To learn to be fully present to your work and to your home life, without the guilt or shame that you feel, even though you know how hard you try to be all thing to all people
  • ​To fully enjoy and receive your successes, including the ones you aren't even noticing at the moment, without feeling like an imposter (no matter how high you climb in your career.)
  • ​To appreciate the stillness of mind that allows you to see new opportunities and embrace them without the worry of what could go wrong.
  • ​To be free of crippling self-judgment and stop holding back your potential through fear and personal limitation, allowing the real 'you' to be visible to all.
  • ​To connect and communicate with those you work with and those you care for, without defensiveness or holding back.
  • ​To understand the true meaning of gratitude and how this serves you through the challenging times because, let's be honest, there will always be tough times!
  • ​To realise your innate ability to generate powerful and progressive insights for the rest of your life.

Michelle Chapman

I guess you could call me a recovering over-thinker, except I didn't know what I was doing at the time. Some time after becoming an executive coach, I began to wake up to the pressure I'd put myself under my whole life, in every job I'd ever worked in.

Although it looked to me at the time like enthusiasm and drive, what I couldn’t see was how destructive that pressure was to my quality of life, my personal relationships and my business. I couldn’t see how I was living my day to day experiences through the lens of this pressure that I was placing on myself to have a fantastic and successful life. 

When I finally woke up and saw that I was doing this to myself, I realised my success came more freely when I eased up on the pressure and just allowed me to be... myself. This dramatically changed me as a person as well as the support I give to others.

121 Executive Resilience and Professional Growth Retreat
Two day immersion retreat with three months coaching

The retreat programme for professionals includes a pre-exploratory session, two day immersion session with overnight stay at our 16th Century Barn and six 60 minute fortnightly coaching sessions to support your continued transition for three months when back in your business or home environment.

  • 121 coaching sessions, meditations and reflection experience over three days
  • Two or three nights (personal choice) in private annex with double bedroom, en-suite shower room, private kitchen and living room.
  • Rural location - 16th century barn just over 1 hour from Liverpool Street station
  • Private gardens to relax and reflect
  • Three month development programme - six fortnightly 1-2-1 coaching sessions
"Life is good, it’s really bright, I see the world, myself and my life
differently now. I'm really happy. It was strange, the day 
I came home I saw my home differently. When driving back, 
I saw the sky was a really bright blue. 
I never really noticed that before."

Sarah, Business Owner, Hertfordshire.
2016 The Elite Partnership Ltd
Images by Steve Lavers. Used with permission www.stevelavers.com