Wellbeing and development online workshop package

A no-brainer, easy to implement 12 month live workshop package to stimulate growth and deepen wellbeing for your people.

Finding impactful ways of promoting wellbeing and development within organisations can be a challenge especially given busy schedules, remote working and varied personality types, but fortunately a perfect solution is now at hand.
As part of our new Elite Academy of Development and Wellbeing, we have developed a series of one hour workshops, taken from our most popular group sessions that are available as a no-brainer, hassle-free package professionally delivered live online and to the people in your organisation.

Promoting Resilience and Agility

In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, it is essential that we recognise the importance of mental and emotional growth as a lifelong practice, and reverse this mental wellbeing crisis we find ourselves in.

Most organisations are keen to support their people with opportunities for personal growth and recognise the importance of wellbeing, and yet often struggle to know which initiatives will genuinely add value.

This simple yet effective monthly online workshop package gives people a deeper understanding of themselves and their mind. In turn, this helps them become stronger, more resilient and happier individuals and a more flexible, creative and agile workforce.

Twelve monthly workshop programme

We will schedule a workshop every six weeks (at a mutually agreeable time) for 12 months, with each workshop taking a unique focus, but with common threads that run through them. All workshops are recorded and accessible as a replay within the academy for the 12 month programme.

Is it really going to be Hassle-free?

Yes! Employee wellbeing should never be a tick box exercise, yet it frequently becomes exactly that because it’s such a huge undertaking for already overstretched senior management teams. Our workshop package provides a solution that is not only easy to implement, but really hits the mark. We care about your people and we get regular feedback from delegates about how they are thinking differently as a result of our workshops.

Transformative and Inspired

We have selected from our most popular programmes to create a relevant, honest and transformative workshop series based on the topics have been most impactful to our clients.
Everything we do is designed to stimulate positive change and growth by being open and reflective around important subjects. We also encourage engagement within the academy by exploring the implications for your industry, your business and your people. 

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."


Workshop Themes

All workshops will be delivered by our lead trainer, Michelle Chapman, who has been delivering personal development trainings and workshops for corporate, military and public audiences for over 18 years. 

The themes have been selected based on experience and feedback from previous clients from all sectors

Resilience Through Awareness

The biggest challenge with personal growth is when we try to change things about ourselves that we don’t fully understand. By shifting our attention to noticing, rather than changing, we get to deeply know and understand ourselves, allowing growth to naturally follow.

Personal Empowerment

Empowerment is key to creating a mindset for success and this workshop will explore its role in the workplace. In addition to understanding how this can be utilised by broadening your sphere of influence, it’s important to consider the associated pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Mental Clarity

The human state naturally fluctuates and it isn’t unusual to feel completely ‘in the zone’ one day and then far from it the next, but can we tip the odds increasingly in our favour? This workshop explains the principles behind clarity of mind, so that we can more easily nurture those flow states and enjoy increased personal performance.

Harnessing Your Inner Dialogue

How conscious are you of your inner dialogue and do you understand the impact it has on your performance, as well as emotional wellbeing? This workshop focuses on mind talk, including the glass ceilings, imposter syndrome, negativity, overthinking and how to get a handle on it.

Why Emotional Intelligence isn’t as ‘soft’ as you may think

When it comes to doing business, people skills really matter. It matters when developing professional relationships as well as confidently undertaking new challenges that place you firmly outside of your comfort zone. Developing 'EQ' is no longer a nice to have, and will be the thing that allows for your continued success without paying the price your your wellbeing.

Taking a synergistic approach

Teams are made up of individuals with differing views, personalities and ways of seeing the world which lead to natural conflict, however high performing teams don’t just learn to tolerate those differences, but truly value them.

Cultivating Inner Harmony

Sometimes it really feels like we are getting in our own way. It is as though there is a part of us that’s working against ourselves and it really needs to get on board! Get a whistle-stop tour of the levels of your mind so that you can understand your emotions, and see how self-compassion is the route to harmony and happiness.

Does spirituality have a place in leadership growth?

Religion is said to be one of the topics you shouldn't discuss at a dinner party, but does spirituality have a place in leadership growth? Explore what spiritual principles can bring to our resilience, wellbeing and our sense of purpose.


Michelle Chapman

Transformational Coach, Trainer and Director at Elite Partnership Ltd
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